Monday, September 12, 2005

The Madore Family of Four

My parents are still married after 27 years. My Mom is my inspiration and my motivator. She just recently lost close to 200lbs. That's right....Two hundred. She is the most determined person I've met and when she knew it was time for her to do this for herself she did it in a year and four months. There was no turning back and she didn't cheat once during the first year she began this journey. That's right...not once. I feel I should write a letter to Oprah! She now loves working out, walking, spending time with her sister, cross-stitching and often joins my Dad for hunting. My Dad. Well, I'm Daddy's little girl and if I ask him to build me something he will. No questions asked. I learned at an early age to appreciate my family because you just never know what could happen. My Dad was electrocuted two weeks after my 13th birthday. He had 11 burns and the one burn was an inch away from his heart. So, I was an inch away from losing my Dad and never getting him back. Because of this, I've learned that you shouldn't sweat the small stuff and enjoy the time you have with those you love...because you just never know. My brother. He's my little buddy and we have a bawl together. When we start giggling we can't stop. He's seen me happy, sad and crabby. Yet he has no choice but to love me! He is extremely laid back and doesn't get bothered by things until he just doesn't know what to do anymore. Then he panics. He's understanding and funny. All he wants is to have a good time and not be bothered with things that really don't matter. He has an amazing talent. He can take a little picture and draw it 50x bigger and it looks just the same. Ever since he was little he did that and I was always jealous that it came so naturally to him. He loves kids and someday he'll be a great Dad. We are all very close and have fun when we're together. My favorite memories are of us going camping, fishing, hunting and snowmobiling when I was young. To only go back to those days! And that my friends, is the Madore Family of 4.


Blogger Raina* said...

Whoa, I totally forgot how close you came to losing your dad. And yeah, write a letter to Oprah!! What your mom did was amazing!! I cannot believe the transformation she went through.
And well, little Bobby, he's just a cutie. Except he's not little anymore. And he's Rob, not Bob.

FYI, Paula is totally reading your blog and not posting comments!!! She's blog-stalking us (and Shooshoo's too) but not leaving comments.

8:16 AM  
Blogger Shooshoo said...

Holy time warp, how did you leave your posting tomrrow. (I thought we were in the same time zone!)
I never met your parents but I have heard all about them. And I want to be amazing just like your mom.
See too leave comments!

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You truly bring tears to my eye's.

I love you

1:18 PM  

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