What goes on at Camping stays at camping
A few months ago a few of us had the bright idea that a "work" camping trip would be fun. You know, get to know people away from the office and actually get to have a few laughs and forget about work. At first quite a few people were interested and slowly they started dropping like misquitos. The interest started to dwindle and slowly I began to realise what it was like trying to organise an office party. It sucks and no one wants to participate yet everyone complains that we never do anything. NOW I KNOW!! However, 4 of us did manage to make it out (2 of which brought their spouses and kids) so it turned out to be a good crew.
Our trip began friday right after work. Jeff (my roomate/co-worker) and I came home and packed our things, changed and took off. The weather forecast all week said it was supposed to be beautiful on the weekend. Well, friday morning I hear that "a sudden change" happened to the weather and that it was going to rain all weekend. Well, Mr. Weather Man was right...it rained. And rained again...and then some more.
Friday night was fun. It was raining, so the idea of the campfire burning was nice, but we couldn't enjoy it. So we spent time in Sharon's camper playing cards. Everyone's beverages were going down quite nicely and so the laughing began. We laughed a lot. So much so, that Sharon was crying at one point and couldn't seem to stop. My cheeks hurt so bad and Chuck and Jeff seemed to be having some good laughs as well. There is now a few new nicknames for Jeff & Sharon that came out of this, but "what goes on at camping stays at camping". The card game finally came to an end and Sharon kicked the boys out at about 3am. Yep....we had NO idea it was that late.
Saturday morning we had a few more laughs with Jeff because he woke up in a puddle and was drenched. It rained again all day. Everyone was having a "lazy" day so we just sat around and pretty much did nothing. Played with the kids a little, watched a movie, played X-BOX and then started getting supper ready. We had a pot luck and man did we ever eat well. The food was awesome and everyone seemed to enjoy the food. A fire was started and we could enjoy it in spurts of about 20min at a time before the rain would start again. Sharon brought out glow sticks and sparklers for the kids so the rain suddenly disappeared with them. The rain didn't stop us from enjoying time with friends and chatting. All in all the camping was fun. It wasn't under the best circumstances but we're planning to do this again next year. I'm convinced it was an initiation and that next time it'll be sooo much better. My sweatshirt that stayed wet from friday to Sunday is finally washed and dried and now back to work tomorrow. Ugh! The weekend is over already!
Movies and X-Box???? What kinda of northerner are you???? Just kidding....glad you had a great time in spite of the rain! We must plan a camping trip soon!!
No Movies or X-Boxes allowed..we will camp in true northern style!
Awww, sorry to hear that it rained the whole time afterall... next year I'll try to commit - although even with the xbox it still sounds like roughing it to me! But it was a good thing I didn't go, or I would have never found my wedding dress... I am convinced it was a "right time/right place" deal...I'll have to fill you in on all the details!
lol, I'm with Chrissy......movies and Xbox is still roughing it.
But, of course, I'm way too 'chick' to enjoy the great outdoors overnight.
I have tented in the rain before and it can be miserable! Thank goodness you had a camped to hang out in!!! I love playing cards and campfires :)
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