A whole lotta nottin'
Well, these last couple of weeks have been busy. Between the funeral, coming back with Lisanne and just being tired, I haven't really taken the time to post anything. So here goes....a whole lotta nothin'.
On monday, Lisanne is having her heart surgery finally. She's been pretty sick the last 3 years and the time has finally come. The docs are replacing the pulmenary valve in her heart. She was born with a defective one (called Pulmenary Stenosis....wasn't big enough) and had surgery at the small age of 9 days old. She was originally supposed to receive a pig's valve (thats right...oink oink) but they managed to find a human valve which is better. One of the many reasons why it's good to be a donor. Be sure your family knows your wishes because you just never know. I had NO IDEA they even used peoples heart valves. Crazy shtuff. And besides, it's not like you'll be using it anyway. It will be a stressful time sitting in the waiting room until we to hear she's out of surgery. But, her doctor apparently is one of the best and has done many surgeries.
I've finally gotten my first post card from the "swap gals". WOHHOOOO! I love it. I must admit I haven't sent mine out yet. I wrote a lot on the back of them and now I'm starting to realise just how much work it is to write up 10 postcards. It's fun knowing I'll be getting 10 in the mail very shortly. Thanks gals for the postcards...can't wait to see the rest of them.
I get to go Christmas shopping with Lisanne this weekend. Yay!!! I'm hoping to get it all done. Start to finish. I know odds are this won't be the case but a girl can dream can she? I'm waiting to hear if I'm eligible to consolidate my loans. That means I can have a little bit of a life by not spending so much in loans every month. Keep your fingers crossed!! haha And the best part is we get paid 3 times in December as opposed to two. AND as of today my CAR IS PAID OFF!!!!!!!!! Woohooot!! I bought my Barney Mobile (purple sunfire) off my old roomy and good friend Sherri. She was kind enough to give me two options: Pay it off in full or give her payments over 1 year. I went with the payments but squeezed it into 10 months I think. Yay for the car being paid off! And "knock on wood" for it not breaking down or getting in an accident.
Oh yeah...I got to spend some QT with Lisanne and Raina while I was in Timmins. We went for dinner, chatted alot, had some laughs and went shopping. I was going to post two pictures but for whatever reason blogger won't let me. I got a message saying that their "engineers" have been notified and will be looking at the problem. I'll post them as soon as I can! Raina was convinced that these blue furry slippers were cute. They weren't. UGLY. They didn't even feel soft to make up for the ugliness. So she didn't buy them. haha I got some awesome pics of Raina's wedding as well. Soooo nice.
So, today I was measuring a house for work. It was super muddy and I dropped my clipboard. Then I was paying attention to where I was stepping as opposed to where I was going. All of a sudden SMACK....I ran into a piece of wood that was sitting on an air conditioner. It hit me right at the top of my nose. Ugh. Yeah. Totally felt like an ass because the construction guys saw me. Then, for my break I decided to go try on some clothes at Reitman's. Well the woman came over, asked how I was doing like she was really concerned. I said I was doing great and I'd like to try on the clothes I was holding. I get in the change room and noticed that I had this HUGE black mark under my eye. OMG...don't tell me I have a black eye from smacking my head. What story can I make up for this one?! Good news...it was just a black mark from god knows where. So far thats my day.
I'm going for drinks tonight at Moxies with the crew from work. I get to sit there, have some nice cold brewsky's and wish I was as tiny as the girls that work there. You should SEE what these women have to wear for work. Short skirt (and I mean...it looks like a head band wrapped around their minous), very tiny low-cut-show-us-your-boobs tank top & huge hooker boots. And shall I mention they are all beautiful women. I can imagine the male managers really hating their jobs when it comes time to hiring. haha The male waiters are okay. Some are HOT and others are just okay. They certainly focus on looks for the women more-so than the men.
Well thats it for now. I'm off Friday (shopping with Lisanne) & Monday (Lisanne's surgery). Have a good weekend and I'll keep you posted on the details of my weekend.
Hey girl,
For somebody doing nothin' you sure have a lot to say, lol! I'm crossing my fingers everything goes smoothly for Lisanne, and hoping she bounces back quickly!
Congrats on getting your car paid off entirely! I can't imagine what that would be like! I guess we're just used to living in debt now!
Oh - and you forgot to mention the part of your story where the construction guy almost slipped off the roof because he was laughing at you...
And we just got a Boston Pizza in Brockvegas, and it's the same story... skinny pretty little size zero girls all over, but are any hot guys to be seen??? Nada.
C'est dommage.
Have a good weekend, lemme know how it all goes.
Bwahahaha, ok thanks to Chrissy for the extra details!!!
Hmm, can't rememeber if I've ever been to Moxies. I'm gonna say no because it sounds like an experience I'd remember. Like Hooters, I remember going there.
And my fingers and toes are crossed for Lisanne. I'll be thinking of her on Monday. Such a scary time.....except I'm wishing her the best with no complications and I'm SOOOO confident that your favorite 'hot doctors' know what they're doing. I mean, they're hot!! That means you can trust them.
Hey Caroline...I sent out my postcards this week also, you should be getting one from me very soon! :) kristi
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