Friday, October 14, 2005


I should have called in sick. Last night, a friend from work stayed over because he was working OT and didn't want to drive home after 12 hours (he lives an hour away). Since we have a tonne of room, we told him anytime the door is open and the futon in the basement is his to crash on. This morning, I wake up get ready and then wake up Mario. He gets himself ready and we hop in the car and drive to Tim Horton's (for those of you in the states Tim Horton's is THE spot in the mornings for coffee). The Tim's near my place was SUPER busy so Mario suggests we go to the one near work. "Sounds good to me" I reply and turn the car around. We are on our way to the Tim's near work and are turning left. Just, oh I'd say two feet, before the stop line the light goes from green to amber. I went to put my foot on the brake but Mario said "Go ahead you have plenty of time". I listened and as I'm halfway through my turn Mario blurts out "OMG, there's a cop right there...I'm sooooo sorry".

So guess how my friday started and my week ended?? That's right a ticket for "failing to stop for a red". Technically, it turned amber AFTER I crossed that stop line and I'm convinced (since he was facing us and looking at the other side of the light) that the left turning lights change at different times at that intersection. I know they do, I'm there at least twice a day. So, next week, Mario and I are going to test out the lights at about the same time I got the ticket. And then we're fighting it. Do we have a shot at a winning argument? I dont know. But, although Mario said he'd take the tab, I feel guilty and I don't think I was totally in the wrong. Plus $180 effin' ticket is something to fight about.

Thank god it's friday and thank god this week is over!!!!!!


Blogger Eff Off said...

Girl... you could have out run him!!! lol - kidding. Don't be a nut like me. Good luck on fighting it, keep us posted! :)

5:40 PM  
Blogger Raina* said...

Whoa, holy crap!!! Mail Lian effing beat me to your blog?!?
She's the effing queen to be the first to post on everyone's blog!!

Quack, if you can't fight it and end up having to pay to huge effin ticket, make Mario pay it instead. It's his fault, you are my most sensible friend....and wouldn't have gotten that ticket on your own. LOL

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's deja vu all over again.. but I think you have a better chance of fighting yours... I couldn't play the weather card with mine (grrrrrr...) that and you have absolutely nothing to lose, theree are no points involved for the municipal offence, I believe (my bullshit ticket was given by OPP)... remember... short skirt and If that fails, it's Mario's ass, hahahaha!

Good luck! Don't back down!

8:02 PM  

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