Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Meal Ideas

Alrighty....I've come to the conclusion that I really suck at finding some good meal ideas. We're always eating the same things and we're starting to get bored. I'm sitting here at work waiting for my new list of properties to visit when I thought "Hey....I wonder if the 'Bellas of Blog' can help me out?!". So, I'm throwing out a challenge. Well, it's not really a challenge, but I'm hoping that I'm not the only one who has this problem. My roomy and I take turns making meals but we're still in this rut.

So, if any of you have some good, healthy recipes I'd love to hear them! I think I'm going to start my own little binder of recipes. I have a tonne of recipe books but you never know just how good they are; until you spend your time & money only to find out the recipe just isn't that great. Recipe's coming from friends usually are great so let's hope this works! Be sure to pass this site to a friend (or two) and maybe we can get a recipe exchange going. Sort of like Raina's postcard idea!

Have a good one and I can't wait to get some new recipes in my belly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you changed your blog, because I am at home sick and miserable and needed some entertainment... I can't think of a recipe offhand, since today all I will eat is soup, soup and more soup... but I'll put one in when I think of it... like maybe my pizza lasagna recipe? Or is that too much food touching each other??? You should have specified that you prefer foods that stay seperate bella, I've seen you pick apart pizza, and section off your foods to opposite sides of the plate, haha...

6:44 AM  

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