Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's Quiz Time!

So I was reading Chrissy's blog and there it was....a multiple choice quiz all about her. So, I know I'm going to get most of these right...I knew her so well. I did okay but not as well as I'd hoped. 7 out of 10. So, I decided to make my own quiz and see who will be brave enough to attempt it.

So the challenge is out there. Who can get a score closest to 10?! Who thinks they know me well enough to take this. Try it, it's fun and well it will kill a few minutes of work (assuming most of you read your blogs at work)

Have fun and good luck! I can't wait to see who will get the highest score!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the champion, I am the champion (singing)... since I am the first score, I am the "HIGH-SCORE"... that's right! It makes no difference to me that I got almost all of them wrong, lmao! Apparently you had amnesia when you wrote this thing, and you were drunk too, because you picked all the wrong answers to your own questions, HAHAHAHA!

2/10 (sorry bella) :o(

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I beat Chrissy Christina, that's all that matters!!!!

7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Caroline, I suck.. I only got 2 right! But really, whos favourite movie as a kid was Alice In Wonderland, come on now, EVERYONE knows Dumbo kicked some butt!! haha j/k! :) later!

4:20 PM  
Blogger Raina* said...

Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury to read blogs at work....but I faithfully read yours from home every chance I get...

And how about that?!? Can't remember how many I got...I think it was 3 wrong...but the kiddie movie was a stinky question that I couldn't have guessed in a million years. (seriously?? Alice in Wonderland?? that's all about the psychedelic drugs...)

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sucked, but it was fun to read your questions anyway.

8:35 PM  

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