January is over already?!
Holy crap. I can't believe January has flown by. And what's with the nice weather? I was out today without my jacket, thats how nice it was. Crazy.
I haven't been on for awhile and it's for a few different reasons. A: not much to really talk about, B: Just not motivated to write stuff and C: My roomy thought it would be funny to disconnect the phone line from the wall so I couldn't get on the net. Halarious. Now it's my turn to get him back somehow. I have to wait it out a little because he'll know. It's gotta be something good. Oh the things I could do...
Um, not much is new. I had a weird week. I thought I put my de-frizzer in my hair the other morning and for some reason is was sooo soft. I had no idea what I did differently. Well, the next morning I realised I put body lotion in my hair instead. Then on friday I went to the gym. Had a pretty good workout, pushed myself a little more and then thought I'd get in the hot tub for a few minutes until some of the showers were free. Sat in there with a few ladies from my class and all of a sudden I felt really hot and wasn't feeling good. I got up, grabbed my towel and got in one of the showers. Put the water on as cold as I could handle it and assumed it would go away. Oh no, the black spots started and I was panicking. What the F do I do?! I'm about ready to pass out. I managed to take the 2 steps to sit on the little bench thats in each stall. I passed out. Just quickly, but i passed out. Never said anything to anyone there, which is probably not smart! I then went to drink water and felt a little better. The rest of the night I felt "off". Ate supper and relaxed. No idea why that happened.
Next weekend I'm going to Toronto. I can't wait. I finally get to see Sherri & Will's new house and visit with them for a day. No idea what the plans are but we're gonna decide once I get there. Sherri is an AWESOME cook so I'm sure I'll be having some good grub. That's what I miss having when I lived with her. Then on Sunday I'm going to visit my buddy Duce and the rest of the Toronto clan. Duce is having his annual SuperBowl Party. Any party is good times with them. Good god I can see the trays of Jello shooters, food, Rye & Coke and whatever else they have planned. There's never any shortage of anything while you're there. Last time I was at Duce's I sorta got myself in some, well I want to call it trouble but it wasn't really. Ah well, shit happens and all you can do is laugh about it. It made for some good stories later.
Well, thats about it I guess. I've been doing pretty good with my gym classes. And if I miss a class I try to go and spend 35min on the treadmill. So far so good. Some weight is coming off but not nearly as fast as anyone would like. I'm still waiting for those majic scisors that lets you cut off what you don't want!!
Oh yeah, Jeff (my roomy) and I got some new pets. Last weekend, we went to the pet store and bought ourselfs some crabs. Thats right...Hermit Crabs. We got crabs! haha They're funny little animals and it's crazy how they know us already. Chrissy was over the other night and they would NOT come out of their shell for her. As soon as I held them they were out. I think they smell death though....Chrissy is known for her bad vibes on animals....and bamboo. Who kills bamboo Chrissy?! I thought I had you cured....
Well I'm outta here. Rented some movies for tonight and I'm getting cold so I'm going to make myself some tea. My new addiction by the way. I'm off the coffee and on to the tea!