Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Updates, Postcards and Christmas OH MY!

Well, I'm back. I've been MIA for the last little bit and managed to put the last post up for my brothers bday as quickly as I could.

So many little things that have been going on. For one. Lisanne's surgery was a total success!! She's doing amazingly well and I'm so proud of how strong of a woman she is. I mean she just had open heart surgery (valve replacement) and today is day 2. She walked to the washroom on her own and pretty much got out of bed by herself. She no longer has tubes in her, she ate a soda craker (at this's a lot for her to eat) and other than looking tired she still has her sense of humour. She is now in my number two spot of unbelievably strong women I know. My mom is #1 of course (more to come on that some other time).

What else. Oh...I had a doctors appointment and here's what I managed to get done. 18 million questions answered. She's my new found doctor and was doing a history summary. Holy crap does she ask soooo many questions. But now she knows all my family medical history: alzeihmers, parkinsons, stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, aneurisms and overweightness. Oh yes. So fun. Then I had to do what I've been avoiding for as long as I could. The wonderful, "test" us women get to have done once a year. Ugh. I really was soooo nervous about it and kept wanting to cancel my appointment. The only reason I didn't is because my roomate, a BOY, was so surprised that I had never had it done and said I need to get it done. He was right. So, as much as he was teasing me about it, he was reminding me that I had to go. So, ladies, it really wasn't all that bad. Over in 2 minutes and I could breathe easy again. Until next year! haha I also got the flu shot and teitnus shot. Oh yeah....I killed about 20 birds with 1 stone last night!

My postcards are starting to arrive and I LOVE getting mail that isn't a bill. I got two more in the mail and now I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing to do with them. How can I make them into something pretty that I can enjoy? 3 down and still waiting for 7 more. I have a feeling Raina might be the last one!!!

I got a really nice email today from my buddy Rene. He's in Aylmer right now doing his police training. He wanted to know how I was doing with all the stressful times the past couple of weeks. Nice eh? And ladies.....he's one HAWT man. Oh yes....he is BUILT and my mom is totally in love with him. She sees him at the gym and will call to say "Have you seen Rene lately? Holy crap he's built. His arms are huge and Shelly and I keep looking at him". Okay Mom. That's my friend you're talking about who could be your son. She totally adores him and it's cute. He's one of 3 or 4 guys she has on her "Potential Future Son-in-law List". Yes, she has a list of guys she thinks she would like as son-in-laws. She cracks me up and I love her to pieces.

I guess that's it. I'm frozen right now and I'm going to go make myself a hot chocolate to try and warm up. Oh yeah...Christmas. It's coming quick. I didn't manage to get all my C-mas shopping done but I do have my list of things to get. Once thats bought i'll be finished. Woohoo! The worst part is trying to find things to buy. So thats figured out. I just need to go buy stuff. AND MY CAR IS PAID OFF!!!!!

And a partridge in a pear tree.........

Sunday, November 20, 2005


I have to make this quick since I am going out for the afternoon. But, my bro and I are great buddies and get along quite well.

He just moved back to Timmins and I miss having him around. He was there for me when I was stressed out about stuff. He knows that if I take things out on him not to take it to heart. He makes me laugh and once he starts giggling.....I start. It's contagious. Our new little saying is "my brother from the same motha" and his is "my sista from the same mista". Oh yeah...we're strange together. But he's who I'm comfortable with and can have some good laughs.

So....HAPPY BIRFDAY ROBSTER!!! I love ya!!

Rob & I - One of my favorite pictures of us as kids. And the cool pj's we're wearing matched our cabagge patch dolls. Oh yeah...we were cool!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

A whole lotta nottin'

Well, these last couple of weeks have been busy. Between the funeral, coming back with Lisanne and just being tired, I haven't really taken the time to post anything. So here goes....a whole lotta nothin'.

On monday, Lisanne is having her heart surgery finally. She's been pretty sick the last 3 years and the time has finally come. The docs are replacing the pulmenary valve in her heart. She was born with a defective one (called Pulmenary Stenosis....wasn't big enough) and had surgery at the small age of 9 days old. She was originally supposed to receive a pig's valve (thats right...oink oink) but they managed to find a human valve which is better. One of the many reasons why it's good to be a donor. Be sure your family knows your wishes because you just never know. I had NO IDEA they even used peoples heart valves. Crazy shtuff. And besides, it's not like you'll be using it anyway. It will be a stressful time sitting in the waiting room until we to hear she's out of surgery. But, her doctor apparently is one of the best and has done many surgeries.

I've finally gotten my first post card from the "swap gals". WOHHOOOO! I love it. I must admit I haven't sent mine out yet. I wrote a lot on the back of them and now I'm starting to realise just how much work it is to write up 10 postcards. It's fun knowing I'll be getting 10 in the mail very shortly. Thanks gals for the postcards...can't wait to see the rest of them.

I get to go Christmas shopping with Lisanne this weekend. Yay!!! I'm hoping to get it all done. Start to finish. I know odds are this won't be the case but a girl can dream can she? I'm waiting to hear if I'm eligible to consolidate my loans. That means I can have a little bit of a life by not spending so much in loans every month. Keep your fingers crossed!! haha And the best part is we get paid 3 times in December as opposed to two. AND as of today my CAR IS PAID OFF!!!!!!!!! Woohooot!! I bought my Barney Mobile (purple sunfire) off my old roomy and good friend Sherri. She was kind enough to give me two options: Pay it off in full or give her payments over 1 year. I went with the payments but squeezed it into 10 months I think. Yay for the car being paid off! And "knock on wood" for it not breaking down or getting in an accident.

Oh yeah...I got to spend some QT with Lisanne and Raina while I was in Timmins. We went for dinner, chatted alot, had some laughs and went shopping. I was going to post two pictures but for whatever reason blogger won't let me. I got a message saying that their "engineers" have been notified and will be looking at the problem. I'll post them as soon as I can! Raina was convinced that these blue furry slippers were cute. They weren't. UGLY. They didn't even feel soft to make up for the ugliness. So she didn't buy them. haha I got some awesome pics of Raina's wedding as well. Soooo nice.

So, today I was measuring a house for work. It was super muddy and I dropped my clipboard. Then I was paying attention to where I was stepping as opposed to where I was going. All of a sudden SMACK....I ran into a piece of wood that was sitting on an air conditioner. It hit me right at the top of my nose. Ugh. Yeah. Totally felt like an ass because the construction guys saw me. Then, for my break I decided to go try on some clothes at Reitman's. Well the woman came over, asked how I was doing like she was really concerned. I said I was doing great and I'd like to try on the clothes I was holding. I get in the change room and noticed that I had this HUGE black mark under my eye. OMG...don't tell me I have a black eye from smacking my head. What story can I make up for this one?! Good was just a black mark from god knows where. So far thats my day.

I'm going for drinks tonight at Moxies with the crew from work. I get to sit there, have some nice cold brewsky's and wish I was as tiny as the girls that work there. You should SEE what these women have to wear for work. Short skirt (and I looks like a head band wrapped around their minous), very tiny low-cut-show-us-your-boobs tank top & huge hooker boots. And shall I mention they are all beautiful women. I can imagine the male managers really hating their jobs when it comes time to hiring. haha The male waiters are okay. Some are HOT and others are just okay. They certainly focus on looks for the women more-so than the men.

Well thats it for now. I'm off Friday (shopping with Lisanne) & Monday (Lisanne's surgery). Have a good weekend and I'll keep you posted on the details of my weekend.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Man in My Life

So here goes. He's my little sweetheart and I fell in love with him the minute I met him 5 years ago. I knew right away we'd be great buddies and have a blast together. As time went on we got to be closer. In the beginning, the conversations weren't that great but slowly they became more entertaining.

Now, we can chat on the phone for 20 minutes non stop. We chat about anything and everything. How our day was, things that went on and how much we miss each other. That's right. He lives in Timmins and I'm in Ottawa. Even though we don't get to see each other that often, I always make sure to squeeze him in while I'm in Timmins.

This week I'm getting to spend a few evenings with him and just fly by the seat of our pants for our entertainment. I got to see him tonight for the first time since I was in Timmins last for Raina's wedding in July. I miss him sooo much and he was the biggest reason it was so hard to leave Timmins.

So ladies, eat your heart out! He's soo friggin' cute!!!


This was Patricks idea! Thats right....he was telling ME how to pose and when to take the picture! Future photographer? You never know!

This picture we were just going to take of the two of us and right as I went to snap the shot he turned around and kissed me on the cheek. He then told me he thought it would be a pretty picture! Can't help but love him!!

My favorite picture of him. My bro helped me out in touching it up and doing some effects to it. Just might have to get this printed for Mom for Christmas!

Monday, November 07, 2005

*Sigh* Funeral.....

First of all, I don't deal well with them. I don't cry much. but when it comes to death, I cry a lot. I start and I can't stop. So I hold it in as much as I can until the day of the funeral. Then you can cry as much as you want, and well, everyone else is doing the same. Although, at my grandfathers funeral 3 years ago, my cousins all wanted to sit next to me because apparently I was crying so much that they didn't look as bad!

The reason I'm talking about funerals? I have one to go to tomorrow. My grandma (or as I called her Memere) passed away on Saturday. It all started last Christmas when she had her heart attack. Then, in July she had by-pass surgery to clean out the old arteries. Then, three weeks ago she had a stroke. It was mild and she was pretty much back to her usual self. Friday she had a heart attack. Her blood sugar was extremely high and they couldn't get it back down. She had a bad infection and the doctors couldn't figure out where it was coming from. She became VERY agitated (which I have never seen), and riped out the IV's. They had to tie her down and then sedate her before she hurt herself. And then she ended up in a coma and never woke up. I think that is the best way to go. Go to sleep and never wake up.

Today will be hard. It's the whole funeral home thing. I dont like those either, but it's something that must be done. I can't imagine not going to it. It's a final goodbye, support from loved ones and friends, and most of all it's time to mourn. On the flip side, I get to see all my family again. My Dad's family is HUGE. They are 10 kids, there's 23 Grandchildren and 26 Great-grandchildren. And that is not including spouses! So, needless to say I'll be getting my fair share of hugs this week. I'm going to try and get a family picture too!

Now let's talk about the weather in Timmins right now. If you've seen Raina's blog, that was taken before it snowed another huge amount of the white stuff. My Dad and I cleared the driveway this morning and our neighbour who's a bus driver said the school buses were canceled. Can you believe that?! And they don't cancel school buses for nothing. It's because it's bad. The only time they were cancelled when I was in school was because you couldn't open the door to get outside and the roads are so bad that even if you put the brakes on you don't stop. I'm not kidding. Last night I was driving home with my Dad from supper and he said "Okay fouine...slow down". I said "yep...I am....trying". And then he said "well put you're foot on the brake you goof" and my response was "well it is on the break....we're slidding Dad! I'm trying!". haha Oh yeah. Thats how it went and we laughed over it. I slid for about 4 houses worth and managed to turn the wheel and stop in the driveway. That my friends is my winter driving skills I got from being taught to drive on snow. There's no pavement here in the winter and needless to say no "lines" on the roads to let you know where you should be. Unlike Raina, I like driving in the snow. Makes it more interesting and it definitely keeps you awake and aware of whats going on. Woohoo!!

I'm hoping to get some quality time with Raina & Lisanne this week. Raina and I haven't talked much since the wedding other than online and Lisanne is finally going in for her surgery. That's right. My little buddy is going for her open heart surgery on November 21st. She's having a valve replaced and hopefully after this she can be back to normal. The last few years have been really tough on her and it's finally catching up. She's drained all the time, short of breath, tired, etc. So it's time. The good part is her surgery is in ottawa. AND I won't be driving the 8 long hours back by myself. Lisanne has consultations and tests the week before so she's coming back with me! Yay. This sort of all worked out perfectly.

Anyways, I need to go take a shower and try to look presentable for my bawl-fest this afternoon. Maybe Vince Vaughn, Will Farrel and Owen Wilson will make an appearance. That's what they did in Wedding Crashers! Have a good one and maybe Raina and I can get together this week and take some pics. *wink wink nudge nudge*

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Ten Layers

Ten Layers of Caroline:

LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name: Caroline Merella Madore
Nicknames: Oh sooo many. Kiki (Angele's little guy Patrick calls me that), Quack/Quackers (thanks to Raina), Carrrrline, Fouine (my dad), Belle (my grandparents), Carrr (my aunt) and the list goes on!
Birthday: May 10
Birthplace: The big city of Timmins Ontario
Eye Color: brown, but in a certain light they go somewhat green
Hair Color: light brown.
Height: 5'2 1/2” (hehe)
Righty or Lefty: lefty
Religion: Catholic
Sex: Girly

LAYER 2 - On the Inside
Your heritage: French Canadian, and since I won't hear the end of it if I dont put this here...Metis. I'm the last generation to get my flippin' status card. Okay. There. Said and done.
Your weakness: cash. If i have money on me I need to spend it. I know my problem now...just need to fix it. Other weaknesses? I love kids, popcicles, snow and ice cream
Your fears: Drowning. Not drowning per say but someone grabbing me under water. Also, like Raina, walking alone at night. And how do you know when you've met "The one"? My fear is to think I've found the right one, but turns out he's not.

Your perfect pizza: Pepperoni, cheese, pineapple & black olives.
Goal you'd like to achieve: pay off my damn student loan!!

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your most over-used phrase on MSN: ciao, bella
Your best physical feature: I'm gonna have to say my hair. When I want it to do something it never lets me down. The hairdressers love it.
Your bedtime: 11 ish
Your most missed memory: Playing Asshole on the front porch with all the neighbourhood kids. Raina & I were the only two gals but I wouldn't change a thing!

Raina, you explained it perfectly I definitely miss those days!

LAYER FOUR: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or Burger King: Kids meal at McDonalds
Single or Group Dates: Group dates are less intimidating. But single dates are more personal
Adidas or Nike: whatever is cheapest at the time. If not, then I go for no-name
Chocolate or vanilla: depends on what. Chocolate to eat and vanilla milk! yummy
Cappuccino or Coffee: cold day a nice hot coffee and on a super hot day a frozen cap. All from Tim's of course!

Smoke: never have, never will (a: I'm allergic and b: I have asthma)
Curse: Raina I do believe I beat you here!!
Sing: all the time
Think you've been in love: yup, boy was I wrong!
Want to get married: of course
Believe in yourself: depends what for.
Motion sickness: nope
Think you're attractive: Not at all, but I sure hope someone out there will someday!!
Think you're a health freak: Not a health freak but I watch way more than I used to before I moved to Ottawa. I did somehow manage to lose 30lbs since I moved to O-Town. ( it took 3 1/2 yrs....slowly but surely)
Get along with your parents: Oh absolutely. Pretty much always did.
Like thunderstorms: LOVE them!!!!!
Play an instrument: Nope. I suck. Not coordinated enough to move my limbs at different times.

LAYER SIX: Have you ever
Smoked: Nope
Done a drug: yep.
Gone to the mall: today to pick up stamps and an application for a passport
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No but I do recall getting some free cookies from Mr. Christie (aka Raina's dad). Man I miss those days. All for helping out to move the shipment into the house!
Eaten sushi: vegetarian one. Wasn't a huge fan.
Been on stage: yes
Gone skating : Yep, used to all the time.
Gone skinny dipping: Did for the first time this year... at Raina's wedding!!!! haha
Stolen anything: yep and Raina witness it. Got a ride home from the cops and was told by my parents that I disappointed them (worst word ever to hear from your parents!!)
Played a game that required removal of clothing: A LONG time ago. I stopped before anything was showing.
Been caught 'doing something': Doing what? Could be a lot of things....
Been called a tease:
Gotten beat up: nope but almost got into a fight in 7th grade. And she was way bigger than I am, I would have lost for sure!
Shoplifted: would that not be the same as "Stolen anything?" See above.

LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: No hurry. But I'd like for it to happen eventually
Number and names of children: Dont have any but would like some.
Describe your dream wedding: something plain and simple. Weddings are too chaotic for nothing. Should be there to have a good time and not sweat the small stuff
How do you want to die: I dont. lol
What do you want to be when you grow up: A mommy.
What country would you most like to visit: I'd love to go to Newfoundland and BC. I can still be happy visiting Canada. But anywhere far would be nice too

LAYER NINE: In a partner
Best eye color: green
Best hair color: love dark blonde/dark brown
Short or long hair: short, unless its super curly then a little longer is good.
Height: I love tall men
Best articles of clothing: jeans

LAYER TEN: In the numbers
Number of drugs taken illegally: only 1
Number of CDs that you own: No idea....enough.
Number of piercings: My ears, two in each ear.
Number of tattoos: 1
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: Not sure but it definitely was a few times. I know I had a picture on the front paper for my 5th birthday.