Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Winter Wonderland

I'm home and got spoiled again this year. I got to Timmins on Friday at about 8pm which was awesome because we did some good time with the driving. It took about 9hours in total but that was going to Quebec to pick up my unknown passenger (more on that in a second) and then stopping half way through for food.

So I was asked by a friend if I had room to bring in a passenger, a friend of hers from work. This guy apparently went to the same high school I did but he's 4 yrs older. He was very chatty and sure told me a lot about what's going on in his life (long complicated story but in short he's divorced with 2 kids). We talked about a lot of things and did the whole "do you know so-and-so" and tried to find out if somehow we knew the same people. I could tell from his size that he works out. He told me he used to be overweight and he likes to work out. Fair deal. Then, we stop at Wendy's in North Bay and decide to sit to eat. Well good god this man had the biggest effin arms I've ever seen in my life!! I kid you not ladies....it was so much muscle that it was on the verge of being too much. Crazy. I felt so safe in this little Wendy's restaurant eating my Jr. Bacon Burger it was nutso. No one would be crazy enough to mess with either one of us because he'd just have to stand up and that was enough for someone to crap themselfs. Okay....enough about that.

So I get home at 8pm on friday and called two of the gals, Angele and Genevieve. We decide it's time to go out. I was home no less than an hour and a half and I was sitting my ass in the bar having a rye & coke. Oh yum how I missed that taste. I saw a TONNE of people I hadn't seen in years. The one guy, Phil, couldn't believe how "grown up" we were and just kept saying "Oh my god you girls are women now.....this is insane". haha Too funny! At one point, my friend Rene - who just recently because a cop, was scanning the bar for someone they were looking for. All of a sudden the women were starring and I heard one girl say "woa....look at him, I wouldn't kick him out of bed". I turned around and saw Rene. So I got up and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and gave me a huge hug. It was kinda funny because the girl knew I heard her. Then he came to the table and all of a sudden there's 6 cops at our table. The one asked if I was causing trouble, and because the rye was kicking in I put my wrists together and said "what are you gonna cuff me?!". Well, he decided to be a smartass and take out the cuffs. EVERYONE was starring. I was so embarrassed! They left right after and the night went on. It was so much fun and the night just flew by. Gen and I ended up going for some Chinese food with Raina's brother Mikey. He's such a great guy and we laughed so much our cheeks hurt. The funny part about it all is that Mikey and I used to hate each other. I don't know why, what happened or how it started. But we didn't like each other and tolorated one another just because all of our friends hung out together. The one day I got pissed off at him and ripped a handful of hair out of his head. We still joke about it to this day. All that matters is now we get along.

Saturday rolls around and I get up at 8am after only 4 hours of sleep. I'm ready to go again. This is a normal routine while I'm home in Timmins. I shower and meet up with my Mom and her friend Shelly for coffee. It's become a tradion when I'm in town that we do this. They go to the gym, I sleep in the extra hour and drag my ass out of bed to meet up with them. Then usually Mom and I go shopping. We didn't this time but we made up for it on boxing day! We go to my grandparents for supper and then my family went to church. I didn't go this year because my back is messed up and there's no way I could sit on a wooden bench for over an hour. Instead, I take a nap for about 20min because I know what's to come...another long night. Christmas Eve it's a tradition with the french. Party all night and at midnight, after everyone goes around saying Merry Christmas a full meal comes out. And when I say a full meal I'm talking everything. Turkey, ham, cabbage rolls, salads, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, desserts, etc. This is only taken out after midnight. Oh yes people, it's an eating marathon. I had lost a few pounds before coming home and I guarantee they'll be right back with me when I return to Ottawa. It's the only time I usually see my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins & my cousins kids. The usual head count is over 60 and I'm sure there was close to that this year. This year was a little different because it's the first year it was at my aunts. My grandmother, sick or not, did this every year. They could never afford much but this was her one gift to everyone every year. This was the first Christmas that my Paternal Grandparents were not there. My grandfather passed away 3 1/2 yrs ago and my Grandmother passed away November 5th of this year. It was different but we all showed up because it's what they loved to see. The entire family getting together, having some food and drinks and doing some catching up.

The following night, Christmas Day, supper is always at our place: more food. I spent the afternoon at my Aunts to try and figure out my MP3 Player and get some songs downloaded. It's been figured out and I now have songs on it! WOOHOO. This means I get to have some new music to listen to in the car. My mom bought a wireless adapter which picks up a radio signal and plays my MP3's in my car. Gotta love that! After supper I help clean up and I head to a friend of the family for another party. This time I'm drinking "girly drinks" and they are soo yummy. It's similiar to the famous slush I rant about but minus the slush. Yep, I was starting to feel it. I had so much fun at this party. They are the most musically talented family I have ever seen. The owners of the house made up some books of Christmas music both in french & english. Rick, who is unbelievable on the piano played the entire night. We just had to yell out a Number from the book and he'd play the entire song, nothing in front of him. He has it all stored in his "filing cabinet". There was 67 songs in that book and he knows every single one of them on the piano. When we weren't singing we were having fun. Of course, more food and drinks. I'm telling you it's like a marathon!

So, that's my Christmas so far. I haven't stopped really and today is the first day I have some down time. I started reading my book "A Million Little Pieces - James Frey". This book is unbelievable. Here's what reads on the back:

"At the age of 23, james Frey woke up on a plane to find his found front teeth knocked out, his nose broken, and a hole through his cheek. He had no idea where the plane was headed nor any recollection of the past two weeks. An alcoholic for ten years and a crack addict for three, he checked into a treatment facility shortly after landing. There he was told he could either stop using or die before he reached age 24. This is Frey's acclaimed account of his six weeks in rehab."

It's not like most books where things are smoothed over. He tells exactly how he felt and what he was going through. Some of it makes me sick to my stomach, some of it makes me want to cy and some of it makes me want to meet this guy. This is probably one of the bravest people to overcome the lowest of the low. He's brave to the point that when they tell him he needs to get his teeth fixed he does so. The catch is he can not be giving any drugs or painkillers what-so-ever because he is in a treatment facility. He has two root canals, a cavity filled and new teeth put in without any meds. All he had was two tennis balls to squeeze and was strapped down. If that were me I would have said I'd be fine without. He does it, and survives. Does this really happen?! Oh yeah, and he had to have his nose re-broken and placed under the same conditions. Talk about paying for being an addict. Suffering, hurting and hating.....all things he made his loved ones feel. It's a great book and page 79 made me cry. I'm only at page 99 but I want to read more. This is one of those book you can't put down. I want to know what happens next and what his next craving brings on. I'll be done this book in no time thats for sure. And I'll probably read it again, it's that good.

So, that's that. I'm contemplating reading more or taking a shower. I think I'll take the shower and then do something with myself today. I'm only here until Friday so I have to get as much done as I can in little time. I think I may call Raina and go visit her. Big decisions I tell ya. Wait till I have to decide what I'm going to do on New Years Eve! No plans yet but I do know I'll be back in Ottawa. I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and you got all the presents you wanted!!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's Quiz Time!

So I was reading Chrissy's blog and there it was....a multiple choice quiz all about her. So, I know I'm going to get most of these right...I knew her so well. I did okay but not as well as I'd hoped. 7 out of 10. So, I decided to make my own quiz and see who will be brave enough to attempt it.

So the challenge is out there. Who can get a score closest to 10?! Who thinks they know me well enough to take this. Try it, it's fun and well it will kill a few minutes of work (assuming most of you read your blogs at work)


Have fun and good luck! I can't wait to see who will get the highest score!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

It's been awhile....

Well, I'm not even sure that anyone still checks my blog or not. The only 3 people I'm certain is Raina, Chrissy & Lisanne. I've gotten the "why haven't you been updating lately?" , "I used to have this friend who blogged but I haven't heard from her in awhile". I'm guilty and I've been lazy. I haven't had an excuse other than just plain laziness.

I just checked Raina's blog and I've been TAGGED! So I guess thats a hint. I had started a post yesterday and made it half way through. It was very similar to the tag Raina got me on. So I'm going to incorporate my original post with Raina's tag. Why? Because it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to. Let's hope this makes sence!

1) This is the first year I'm totally not motivated for Christmas. I usually have my gifts bought & wrapped by now. I've been avoiding the malls and now I've put myself in the situation I always avoid...the crowds. So, next weekend whether I like it or not I'm getting my christmas shopping done. I'm hoping all of it. I just ordered a year's subscription to O-Mag (Oprah's Magazine) for my Mom. I think she'll enjoy that. And the funny part is this is the first year I actually have ideas of what to get people...yet I don't want to get out there and buy this stuff!!

I guess you could say I've had the Christmas blues. Why? No idea either. I had a few days where I was down in the dumps. Actually, while I sit here and think about it maybe it's because I had planned to get a few things done this year and it never happened. My number one thing I wanted to get done was pay off my 2 credit cards. I had paid one off but when I got stuck paying for a two bedroom apartment on my own I used it a little more than I should have.

2) This year I bought a used car, my first car ever! (which is paid off as of two weeks ago!!). My first very own Pontiac Sunfire in none other than Barney Purple! That was something I totally didn't plan for. It happened pretty quickly but the deal was right so I went for it. I know nothing about cars, so when it came to buying one I called my Dad...a lot. He got as informed as he could, asked me a whole wack of questions about the car and told me to go for it.

3) I was my Mom's first-ever mother's day present (I was born the day before her first mothers day as a mom)

4) I'm extremely self-conscious and very hard on myself.

5) I care about others a lot and often put their needs ahead of mine.

6) I love spending time with my friends on a one on one term. I don't know why but it's something I've always liked to do. Or small groups (ie) Raina, Lisanne and I went for dinner and shopping. Those to me are so much fun. No worries though...big huge get togethers are a blast too!

7) I'm extremely bottled up. I don't let anyone know what's going on. I hold it all in until I just need to have a sad day. Then I have a good cry and I'm back to normal. I need to learn to talk about how I'm feeling more. The way I see it. If you don't let anyone know all of you then you can't get hurt. The times people get hurt is when they've let their guard down. So why not avoid that? As soon as someone starts to figure me out, I back away.

8) I'm bad with money. Horrible actually. If I have cash on me I need to spend it.

9) I'm a lefty

10) My favorite food is liver

11) When I'm uncertain of something, or I'm not really paying attention to what someone is telling me I'll say "yeah yeah!" and just go with it. Jeff noticed this about me and it cracks me up everytime I do this.

12) The first boy I ever had a huge crush on broke my heart when he insulted me about something that completely bothers me....my weight.

13) I love kids and I've always said I wanted 5. Okay, 5 is a crazy number to me now considering how expensive they are. I'd settle for 2.

14) I take things very personally but I'll never let anyone know how I feel about it.

15) I crack my fingers, toes, back, hips, neck. All of it.

16) When I'm stressed out my right eye twitches.

17) I love my birthday. It's the one day I can get excited about and have a really good reason for it! Plus it's an excuse to buy myself stuff.

18) I love doing crafts but I end up not finishing them.

19) I love the outdoors (skiing, hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, cottages etc)

20) I like to clean, and do so even more if something is bothering me.

21) My fav show right now is Grey's Anatomy. Mostly because of George...I'd marry him tomorrow if he asked me.

22) I cried for the longest time to get a dog. My parents finally gave in and i had the cutest little bichon frisee puppy for Christmas when I was 12. Then came time to train her and I hated her for about 2 months. Then I loved her again when I didn't have to wake up at all times of the night to let her out.

23) I write notes for myself but forget where I've put them or lose them before I make it to the store. Yet....I still write notes.

24) In the summers I could live on slush, Mr. Freeze & popcicles.

25) I love a good Tim Horton's coffee.....anytime day or night. But I limit myself to no more than 2 coffee's a day....most days I only have 1.

I guess thats it! I'll do my best to try and be on a little more often. As long as I don't get arrested for stangling someone at the mall when I go buy my Christmas Gifts!! Thanks Raina for tagging me and making me get back on my blog. I needed that little push. As for who to tag?! I'm gonna have to say Lisanne since she's off work for a little bit and was bugging me to post again. The next on the list is going to have to be Chrissy. That's right girl...just because the Minister died (who was going to marry her and Nate next summer) isn't an excuse! Happy bloggin'!!